
What is Cougar Cyversation?

Cougar Cyversation--what is it?

Well the cougar part is pretty simple--a lethal, fearsome feline that you kind of hope you never see, but you kind of hope you do, but only if you're at a safe distance or if you have firepower enough to scare it off. But in this case, the cougar I have in mind is our team mascot--the Curlew Cougars.

That was simple, but what about cyversation? I made it up. Just today. I was trying to come up with something to go with cougar that means talk or discuss, but that starts with "c." "Conversation" sounded too stuffy, and "chat" sounded too kiddish, and then... "cyversation" popped into my head! I'm nutty enough to like it.

In a nutshell, Cougar Cyversation is a place for me to communicate with you, my students.

Our first Cougar Cyverstation topic is:
  1. Reflect on the best and the worst of the school year. What was your favorite learning activity? What did you like the least? Compare the first day of school to today--what stands out in your mind? What has surprised you this year? Disappointed you? Do you remember what you wrote in your time capsule that we're going to open in June?
  2. Post a comment on this blog that reflects on the year so far, based on the questions in #1.
  3. Give some reasons for what you think.
  4. Write with strength and clarity and be appropriate in your word choice. And hey--use some lavish language!
  5. Sign the blog with ONLY your first name.


Anonymous said...

very well done ms fletcher, you worked hard on the site and prepared it for your students . thank you

Chris mullen

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The best time in the school year so far was spring break. I got to start my garden. Also, I didn't have to go to school.

katie b.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

my most favorie subjuct was shop, it was awsome, my least favorite was science because there was a bunch of projects all at once.

the most disapointing thing was not being able to put my project in the science fair because it killed poor little fishies.


Anonymous said...

i dont know the worst day was but my best day was my first day because i had no people who liked me or hated me RABID SQUARL!

May 1, 2007 10:21 AM


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the worst day of the school year was when forrest broke up with me before christmas.[ashley]my worst time at this school was when Vollyball season ended and we had to do the WASL.

Anonymous said...

hi every one this year sucked i got in some trouble and now ms. f hates me not i'm just jokeing i had FUNNNNNNNNNNFUNNNNNNFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN

Anonymous said...


i dont have a favorite learning activity i liked all of them the least my first day is the same i have nothing thats stands out in my mindnothing suprised me everything dissapointed me no i dont remember what i put in my time capsule

Anonymous said...

well my favert subject is history. the lest favert is math . What supperissed my is that how much I have read this year . I would have never gessed that I would read this many books 5 novals in the year Chris mullen

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ya know i've had some pretty interesting times this year. the best thing is probably... well...um...maby the oragon trail project and the bug project. the worst things well there are some really bad personal things but thats not what you want so school wise i half to say one of the worst thing so far this year is when we had to do the same thing(dodge ball) again and again in P.E.
I cant say i remember what i put in my time capsule other than i know my life was happy then.
and lets see anything els well not realy other than i'm not shure i want to go on to ninth grade. clementine

Anonymous said...

Hey!! This is Chanel! Welll so far my favorite "learning activty" i would say is, watching the movies and then doing hte spring board papers! I would say i HATE the most is the weekley refeltctions!! Omg they are annoyin, no offence, but i=GRRR HATE EM:D:D. Umm from the first day, i thought the year was going to be alot harder, 'cause like the Frosh this year were like, it was hard last year so bad! I just hated...and stuff like that, but now that i am here. It was alot easier then i thought it would be! What stands our mostly, it like how like easly the year flowed, like it was planned out well, we didn't have to make any big jumps or anything and skip alot! Umm, what disappointed me the most was the challenge, I don't feel i was challenged at all this year, it wasn't difficult. Dude, i have no idea that i remember what i put in my time capsule thingy ma-jig! That was a long time ago!!;) I really like my year so far, it was wonderful, i feel kind of balked! Well yeah i am going to go now, peace out

Anonymous said...

Me too I liked the WASL!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

One thing that I did not like in the school year was the science fair i did not like standing for two hours.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

so i'd say that the best school year ever has got to be either this year or the 2nd grade because in like the 2nd grade we got toi play every 10 min. it was good. the cool thing about ths year is that it is my last junior high school yr . things that i like about this year is that we've had a lot of fun activitys but the thing i don't like is that there worth alt of points you know what i mean. on the first day of school we didnt do very much and today were also not doing much. but weve done stuff in betweeen. nothing this year i've really nothing this year has necisarilly stood out to me but nothing has dissapointed me either .oh ya and i dont remember what i wrote to my self in the time capsule

Anonymous said...

My year so far has been good. Compared to the first day of school today is good. I like how we are learning about the Oregon trail. That is cool. When are we going to continue working on our "I remember" poems? I think we should work on them soon. Bye!

Anonymous said...

Hey cool website Ms. Fletcher! I have a bad memory so I can't say what was my favorite learning subject, I guess they all were. I did not not like any of them, I mean who could dilike something you learn from? But then I'm a very weird person. Sorry I'm not being very specific. But on a differernt note, I think we've all progressed from the beginning of the year. At the beginning, we had to get back into the swing of school and doing homework, whereas now we all know how to do that. So yeah! Anyway I think that the new schedules suprised me and this year and I know of nothing that dissapointed me. ANd because of my memory, I probably won't remember what I put in my time capsule when we open it in June. But here's my comment, and again I shall say, "What a loverly blog site Ms. Fletcher!"

Anonymous said...

My favorite project was, I don't have one that I can think of right now. The first day of school was very nerv racking. I was nervous because I only knew two people. They were Jereimiah and Chris Browning. So do you see why I was nervous. Now I know almost everyone really good. At the start of school was bad grades. Now I have great!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I also liked math BEcause it was the best subject i did in YAAAAAYY!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The best part of the school is when i got to play football.The worst part is when i got suspended for getting in a fight with josh town.My favorit class is math my least is English.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

May 1, 2007

Hey there Ms. Fletcher,

Well I'd have to say that I have really liked this Oregon Trail project for history. And for english I liked the spring board activity but I think I would have liked some more time to write and make it more clear and descriptive. I have really liked learning about the becoming of Washington because i didnt know about that. What I am sorry about though is that I really dont like homework reflections because I dont think that I need toi write one because I try so hard in class and I always do my homework so having to write about it just seems like a waste of time. But thx for the learning experience cuz i now dont think history is a terrible as i thought it once was , it is not you i just didnt like history. But it is more entertaining now. THX for a great year so far I think your doing a great job and i enjoy your teaching!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fletcher,

I want a Key Lime Pie for graduation. I would like it as soon as possible. HARMEN CAN"T HAVE ANY OF IT PERIOD.


Anonymous said...

mrs fletcher

this school year has been boring so i don't have much to say, but kepp on beating the little kids, the need it.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Flecter

This is a good subject i must say the school year! Hmm.. It seemed like yesterday when i was a freshman and now i have like 27 days left to go in high school which is quite amazing.
The thing i like the most this year was being able to go to state in basketball even though it wasn't in spokane it was still fun our sponsors treated us really well and made sure we had a good time. I also liked that the senior got there own hallway

there really wasn't anything i disliked about this school year that maybe there cracking down on the kids to hard about the lunch line and thennot being able to hang out in the gym.

The Senior

Thanx for all the wonderful food

Ms. Fletcher said...

Dear Students,

After our first blog we talked about the usefulness of being able to blog as part of learning.

Most of you indicated you would like to keep blogging, but you also acknowledged that several posts were off task or inappropriate.

We made a few predictions about how many of the posts would be deleted for being off topic or inappropriate.

Here are the results:

47 comments were made.

5 comments were permanently deleted, leaving 42.

3 of those 42 were by seniors, leaving 39 "valid" comments.

25/39 posts deleted = 64%

We agreed that in the future students who posted inappropriately or disruptively would receive a zero and/or not be able to continue blogging. Students MIGHT have the option of redoing a zero by hand for 50% of the grade.

If you have any other comments, please let me know.

Ms. Fletcher

Anonymous said...

My worst day of school was everyday.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised that we have to do the science fair again next year, even though we were told that 8th grade was the last year we had to do it. Yes, I remember what I put in my time capsule. My least favorite learning experience is that people have to make crude jokes about my mom. The best days of the school year was Spring Break.

Anonymous said...

hi this is adam turner and i would to say that this is the best idea that you have ever come up with Ms. Fletcher, just kidding my favorite subject this year is math it is the best grade i got so far!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Fletcher What a great idea! your students love participating in the cyversation--talk to you later!
Ms. Swafford

Anonymous said...

hay jamie

Anonymous said...

Ms. fletcher,
ya know what would be really great,not having to do STUPID sprinboard

Anonymous said...

hay jamie

Anonymous said...

I think you are not cool hay jamie

Anonymous said...

Hi ChrIsToPhEr

Anonymous said...

horses are my fovorite animal hay jamie

Anonymous said...

hi Christina

Anonymous said...

hi Christina

Anonymous said...

i like horses too hay chris

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. F!!! This is really cool. My favorite subject is lunch, no doubt. My second is science! YAAAY! Probably the worst day at school was... i got nothin. It isn't all that bad.Oh! Wait! One of the worst was the science fair! I got sooooo (etc.) bored their. We didn't even get chairs! We had to look "professional." Anyway, the best day was probably... their have been lots. What has disapointed me? SPRINGBOARD!!! No offense to Springboard or nothing. It just doesn't really, uh... well, it's just boring. And, I have no idea what I wrote in my time capsule except for " Dear Myself,". But, I'm actually enjoying the school year. Except for the whole "our school is a soap opera" thing. And it is! The social drama is pretty freaky. Although, I do like to evesdrop on other peoples drama. That is the only way you learn things (besides class). Have fun, Ms. Fletcher!

Taylor :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, hey Ms. F!!!!!!! This is a great idea! My favorite subject is probablly lunch, math and science. Just kidding! I like history and english, too. Well, lunch is my first favorite. This is really cool. I don't remember a lot of what I wrote in the time capsule. I know I wrote about other people, but that's it. I think my least favorite part about this year was the Science fair also. My favorite was probably the first quarter when I was in shop. That was a lot of fun. On the first day of school, well, I can't really remember the first day of seventh grade, but I was probably excited and bored at the same time. Springboard. Don't get me started. Who even invented springboard? That really disappointed me this year. I think this year was pretty crazy. All of the work, the social drama, and that pretty much sums up the year. I can't wait to open the time capsule! I think the most suprising thing this year is, well, let me think about this.... Nothing really suprised me. I knew that there would be TONS of work, and there would be lots of problems with people. So, yeah. See ya' later Ms. F!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. F!!! This is really cool. My favorite subject is lunch, no doubt. My second is science! YAAAY! Probably the worst day at school was... i got nothin. It isn't all that bad.Oh! Wait! One of the worst was the science fair! I got sooooo (etc.) bored their. We didn't even get chairs! We had to look "professional." Anyway, the best day was probably... their have been lots. What has disapointed me? SPRINGBOARD!!! No offense to Springboard or nothing. It just doesn't really, uh... well, it's just boring. And, I have no idea what I wrote in my time capsule except for " Dear Myself,". But, I'm actually enjoying the school year. Except for the whole "our school is a soap opera" thing. And it is! The social drama is pretty freaky. Although, I do like to evesdrop on other peoples drama. That is the only way you learn things (besides class). Have fun, Ms. Fletcher!

Taylor :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms.F!!! I think we should make a time capsule t oopen when we're seniors. I think people have already said that, but still. I love this cyversation thing. It's awesome. I'm in advisory right now. I know, FASCINATING... UGH! Well, math is not one of my favorite subjects anymore. It's still lunch that is my favorite subject. My ultimate favorite. I like P.E. too. Running on Tuesday is the only day I like! Well, have a nice rest-of-the-day!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi ms. f
did you like the lilacs that i gave you? They smell really good to. i have white ones around my house too. Then down below my house there is a creek and down by the creek where there are some logs across it there is a big nest i think it is a eagle's or a hawk's nest but i cant tell. weel if you want i can bring you some white lilacs. if you want some when bloom. Then when when i went out this morning went i went and picked them for you i tired getting them all even and i think i did. well i will talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Well, non-school wise, the best part of the the school year was that "I patched up some holes" with some of the kids in my class that I was in fights with. And one of the bad parts was that I lost my inthusiam and can't find it... I think it's because of not being able to sleep as much as I wanted to.
But school-wise, my favorite part is that I only got homework in Mr. Bell's classes, instead of in all of them. My least favorite part school-wise was is that I got a really bad 2nd quarter GPA, which effected my semester GPA.

Daniel Edgel

Danny E said...

You know? I have so much more to say, and I love this wole cyversation thing! But anyways, I'd have to agree with Jamie and Taylor, and everybody else who doesn't like springboard, because (no offense to you for choosing it) it just isn't... fun like the rest of the stuff we do, and I don't know why, but I just can't concentrate when we're doing springboard.
And my favorite subject is math, because it's just so easy for me, and I plan on doing accounting when I get older, so I guess I need to get used to doing math.
I can't really remember what I wrote about in my time capsule, becaue I rushed when I wrote it, because there was only a minute left of class. But one thing I do remember about it was that I wrote the wrong date on it... it's pretty funny. Also, Katie's idea's cool, we should make a capsule to open when we're seniors. That'd be AWESOME!

Daniel Edgel

Danny E said...

My favorite school year was this year, because surprisingly, there was less social drama this year than there was in 5th or 6th grade... we took things soo seriously. It's hilarious to think about it. I hate social drama.(I think social drama and relationships are a waste of time)

Anonymous said...

Greetings, Ms. Fletcher! I know I haven't drop in to say hello on the blog site for quite sometime. I just really want to emphasize that it rocks and that people I know really like it, for example Katie W :). So yay! Here's my regards to you and the wonderful thing you do! (Hey that rhymes!!!)

Anonymous said...

Hello world! Well, I like math too. Most of the time, math is pretty to me. Or else I'm just really confused. I can't WAIT to open the time cpasule!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm really excited.... I dislike springboard with a very very string passion. The only thing I liked from that was reading the poems a little bit ago. I am actually reading a lot more than usual. Very awkward for me. Well, the bell is going to ring to get out of this advisory class. Bue!

Danny E said...

That's funny, katie. You were doing this in advisory. Mine's boring, we're not allowed to use the computers.

Danny E said...

Ms. Fletcher... you said that you made this for your students... so does that mean that your cooking students can use it, too?

Anonymous said...

Hello again! We need some new topics to talk about! I've already answered the other ones on this post. Well, the best things that happened this were:
People getting in trouble (that's just hilarious)
Sports. Practice and also going to the games/meets. Panorama Championships were fun!
The NEW LAPTOPS!!!! So pretty...
Getting the smartboard.sa-WHEAT!
Not having as much homework as I thought I would have.

A topic could be: Like what their favorite part of the trip to EWU was (other than "apple juice"). Or what they plan on doing as a career, or what college they plan on attending. Great, We have to do another week of reflection paragraghs. But we get Monday off. Woo-hoo!!!!!

(Katie W signing off)

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Hey yall, i've been thinkin' that i should've gone on that field trip, was it pretty cool? By gatherin' the info' that my friends gave me, it sounded cool.

I'd have to say that the worst day of school for me was the first one because i didn't know anyone yet. And I'd have to say that the best day was the day that I became friends withs Jamie- that was the only thing that gave me any motivation to get out of bed in the mornin', & as time progressed, I made more& more friends.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "apple juice"?

Anonymous said...

Hey dan. Who's yopur adv. teacher? Sorry to hear you're not getting enogh sleep & that you don't really have much entheuseasm left. I feel that way sometimes, I guess ya just gotta live with it unti the end of the school year, then maybee you'll find your entheuseasm, when there's not so much social drama & work to do.

Well.... i guess that's it. PEACE!

shane cooper

Anonymous said...

hi, it's shane. What exactly do you mean by "apple juice"?


Anonymous said...

Hi, it's shane, i just want everyone to know that thoselast 3 comments (the ones before i wrote to dan) weren't meant to all be there, only one of them was. you see, it said that all of the comments had to be personally added in by the blog author, but i didn't know that, so i just kept on writing about the same thing over & over, before i noticed that it wasn't gonna come up, no matter how many times i re-wrote it.


Anonymous said...

Where's my car?

Anonymous said...

Where's my car?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who ever you are that keeps on saying stuff like "dude where's my car".... i think you are not cool.

It's getting really annoying.

i don't know if i should say peace or not because you're not cool. i guess i'll just say by.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys. i just noticed the
PERFECT TOPIC to talk about!

i think that we should talk about fishing. wait a second.... there's probably a few of you that don't like fishing, huh. well, i guess that idea's stupid.

maybe we could talk about our weekend, or our plans for the upcoming one.. wait a second.... i already posted that on here!

ah, forget it! i can't think of anything that applies to everybody in the class (or the whole school for that matter) or something that i haven't already said yet.


Anonymous said...

Hey pal, I can post whatever i want on here, okay. I'm aloud to write things such as "dude where's my car". So just don't talk, okay!


PS: enough with your little

Anonymous said...

i can & will have my own topic ideas. you can't stop me from donating topics to my fellow classmates.

i guess this time i'll say peace.


Anonymous said...

dude, where's my car?

Anonymous said...

stop that you invisul!

Anonymous said...

Dude, where ISN'T your car? There are only like, 10 cars in each square mile of Ferry County, and every car looks diferent, so you're car shouldn't be lost if it's still in Ferry County.

So dude... Where isn't my car?

Anonymous said...

Wow... sweet, there are people here now... AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Dude... your car must suck. And either everybody got off, or your typing a novel, or you guys type REALLY slow.

Anonymous said...

is that suppoesd to mean that i can't type fast enough for you?

Anonymous said...

just to let you know, there ARE cars that look alike in ferry county. EXAMPLE: there's 2 1994 toyota previa mini-vans that are located in malo & curlew.



Anonymous said...

you know what i just noticed? i just noticed that I FORGOT MY LAST NAME! incase you haven't noticed, whenever i write something that ends whith sincerely, i only write my 1st name.

if you happen to come across my name, put it on the cyversation.

Anonymous said...

dude, where's my name?

Anonymous said...

Dan, who's youre advisory teacher?

tell them they should consider letting the kids use the NEW COMPUTERS, or any computers for that matter.


Anonymous said...

and another thing to you dan, "dude where isn't my car" doesn't even make sence because i alredy know where my car isn't.....
now i just need to find where it IS.

therefor, dude, where's my car.

Anonymous said...


who cares if it makes sence or not!

it sounds like you're the only one that cares.
good for you.

ps: how cool is your car..... i bet it's from the 1970s or something, huh? let me guess:
it's a Trans Am, right?

you know what my idea of a cool car is? my idea of a cool car is that 1978 dodge charger from the dukes of hazzard.

the one..... the only GENERAL LEE!!

Anonymous said...

Dude... my advisory teacher is Chris Bell, and he lets some people use the computers, but I've asked him acouple times if I could use one, and he never let me.

And dude... obviously you have no sense of humor, because my phrase, "Dude, where isn't my car?" was a J-O-K-E. Because ferry county is so small. But I guess you might not get that, either.

And anonymous, it does mean that you can't type fast enough for me, because it took you about 15 minutes to type a single sentence, i coupld understand if it was shane, because he only has one hand to type with, but if it's someone else, then wow...

Anonymous said...

Guess what? I might as well tell you guys this. At about 1:00, Anthony and I put honey all over Rivers face while he was sleeping because he crashed on us, and he still doesn't even know that we did it, or even that he had honey on him, because he was still tired. We'll probably tell him when we all wake up.

Anonymous said...

maybe you should pour honey on his face & then let the dog in to lick it off....... then chase the dog away when the honey is half-gone, that way when he wakes up, he'll have honey AND dog slobber on his fase. it sounds nasty, i know, but it's funny!


Anonymous said...

Haha... that's funny, maybe we can to that to him next time, or maybe to Troy, or something.

Anonymous said...

where's my car?

Anonymous said...

where's my car?

Anonymous said...

where's my car?

Anonymous said...

what's my last name?

Anonymous said...

dude, SHUT UP..... it was funny at first, but now it's stupid.


you know who this really is... but nobody else does, so can you just play along with it?


dude (my FAKE name)

Anonymous said...

DAND IT..... i just gave my hidden I.D. away......... $&!+

Anonymous said...

hi everybody, i just wanted to say that uhhhhhhhhhh.......... i guess i'm gonna say hi..... but i know there's somethin' else that i wanted to say, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... well as you can see, i forgot what i was gonna say, so i guess i'll just say
dude where's my car?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't anyone talking? i had to invent 2 people ( dude & anonemous) so i could argue with them!


Anonymous said...

come on people, ANSWER ME!

c'mon guys....write something.


Anonymous said...

where's my car?

Anonymous said...

dude, where's my car

Anonymous said...

dude, where's YOUR car?

Anonymous said...

dude, where's the post office?

Anonymous said...

Dude, where's the gas statian?

Anonymous said...

Dude, where's the hotel?

Anonymous said...

Dude, where's the restaurant?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

does anybody have anything that i can burn? 'cause if you do, tell me because i want to burn something.

Anonymous said...

Dude... where's my car? This is not Shane, but Shane, you should know who this is, so where is eveybody else to help me find MY car?

Anonymous said...

Dude... where's my car?

Anonymous said...

Say like, i don't know.

Anonymous said...

Dude, stop saying dude where's my car! It gets really annoying! You've been told to stop a lot!

Anonymous said...

i don't know where your car is, dude! maybe it's in the junkyard or getting impounded.

Anonymous said...

does anyone have some change?

change.... change.....change etc....

Anonymous said...

Hey! I need change!


Anonymous said...

People, Cybersation is a place to talk about educational ideas and everything else, NOT to make up 2 people and argue with them. You guys need to find some other uneducational website to mess with or GROW UP UP!!!!

Some Seriously Annoyed Chick

Anonymous said...

say your name, THEN i'll listen to you.

p.s. do you have any spare change i can have?


Anonymous said...

also, i didn't know this was for educational use only, but even if i did, i'd still write whatever i want(mostly). in fact, you'd have to do quite a bit of talking to get me to talk only about educational things.


Anonymous said...

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh etc.

oh yeah..... does anybody know where my car is?

Anonymous said...

who was that (that logged in as "some seriously annoyed chick")?

if it WAS you, tell me if there is some other website so i'll go to it, other than that.....MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! m'kay

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

okay....... now i'm done.

Anonymous said...

but i didn't promise anything, now did i?


Anonymous said...

okay..... now i PROMISE i'm done.

Anonymous said...


that was the last one!

Anonymous said...

dude........... why isn't anyone talking?

Anonymous said...

hey everyone! it's shane. just incase you didn't notice, i wasn't at the science fair march bug weird thing. i'm sorry to let you down, but my family kind of had a little trip down to Roosevelt lake for the day. i've been thinking about what i did: CAUGHT NO FISH, i'm kinda thinkin' that i should of gone, not because i wanted to go, but to be there with my friends.

you know..... i think jamie hates me now because i kept on telling him about how he REALLY needs to be there, then i bottomed out on him! some good friend, huh!?

later, peace, dude where's my car

Anonymous said...

All you need to know is that I am Some Seriously Annoyed Chick. And instead of typing random things that really don't need to be posted, you could be looking for that other blog site, in which people don't mind or complain about your complete randomness. And dude, your car is probably the one in the parking lot that has its lights on.

Some Seriously Annoyed Chick

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NO! Because if I do let you know you'll keep hounding me for telling you to be mature and grow up, do the right thing. So yeah just find another blog site and leave the sensible people who still want to type here alone!!!

Some Seriously Annoyed Chick

Anonymous said...

i promise that i won't hound you about it if you'll just say your name, are you in key-boarding?


some guy that's getting really annoyed

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

alright, i'll stop

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that was the last one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, i don't care if you're not gonna tell me your name because the school year is ending tommorow @ 11:00!

oh yeah, i did find another blog site! (i wrote "dude, where's my car" like 30 times.....TAKE THAT)

Anonymous said...

so long until next year everyone!


Anonymous said...

hey everyone..... school's out!


Anonymous said...

Yo, everyone. School's out, and it's past midnight, but I won't have to wake up early for the next 3 months, so who gives a shma! But anyways, I'm just chillin' with Troy watching TV, because I have no homework! yay!

Anonymous said...

yeah, i totally agree with you Dan!
it's so awesome that we don't have to do homework or to wake up early for the next 3 months!

dude, am i writing too much stuff? 'cause like the last 12 comments that were posted before dan's were all from me..... these comments consisted of: hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi etc.!

Anonymous said...

there was also quite a few comments that said stuff like: dude, where's my car? dude, where's the restaurant, gas station, hotel, etc..........

well, i have to go shut all the gates on the property so the deer don't get into the garden, orchard, or yard!


Anonymous said...

i wonder how many times i can write hi on here? maybe i'll try it. never mind, that's too annoying!


p.s. i wonder how many times i can write later?

Anonymous said...

come on guys..... it's been 5 days now, i just got back from my trip to california, i was hopin' that some people would respond to my comments, but i guess not..... THAT SUCKS!


Anonymous said...

dude... if your still checking on the blog, then well... YO!

Anonymous said...

WOW... this thing is STILL on here? It has been years! I'm not even going to Curlew anymore! If anybody still reads this, then I insist... post something!